

εφημερίδα ABC, 1/2010
στα ελληνικά:
Lawrence Schimel: Δύο αγόρια ερωτευμένα (Πολύχρωμος Πλανήτης, 2006)
Lawrence Schimel: Σε χρόνο αόριστο (Πολύχρωμος Πλανήτης, 2006)

2 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

"The bigger news on Saturday was that ABC (one of the three biggest national newspapers in Spain) published two poems of mine written in Spanish in their cultural supplement, ABCD!

This would be thrilling news in any event. It is even more of a tremendous validation for me to appear in such a venue considering that Spanish is not even my mother tongue!

Needless to say, I am over the luna. :-)"

Lawrence Schimel, 11 Jan 2010

erva_cidreira είπε...

Es tan difícil escribir poesía en otra lengua que la materna.
Así que me imagino tu satisfacción por la publicación de tus poemas en ABC.
Un reto y un triunfo.