

Μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου λάβαμε από τον νικαραγουανό ποιητή Héctor Avellán την επιστολή που αναδημοσιεύουμε σήμερα, δυστυχώς «κατόπιν εορτής», αλλά ελπίζοντας ότι έστω κι έτσι συμβάλλουμε στη γνωστοποίηση και ηθική ενίσχυση του αγώνα των νικαραγουανών ομοφυλοφίλων να καταργηθεί το άρθρο 204 του ποινικού κώδικα της χώρας τους, που τιμωρεί με φυλάκιση τις σεξουαλικές σχέσεις μεταξύ ανδρών.
Όπως ξαναγράψαμε και στις 17-5-2006, επιστολές διαμαρτυρίας μπορείτε να στέλνετε στην πρεσβεία της Νικαράγουας στη Ρώμη*, που είναι υπεύθυνη εκτός από την Ιταλία και για την Ελλάδα και την Κύπρο.
Ελάτε όλοι μαζί να προσπαθήσουμε να εξαλείψουμε αυτό το όνειδος.
Queer actie voor Nicaragua!
Nicaragua is the only country in Latin-America where same-sex relationships are still prohibited by law. Therefore the Autonomous Youth Organization for Latin America (Ojala), together with Nicaraguan gay poet Hector Avellan, took an action last Gay Pride to protest against this law and to show solidarity with LGBT activists in Nicaragua.
Nicaragua is the only country in Latin-America where same-sex relationships are still prohibited by law. Article 204 of the Nicaraguan Penal Code states: “Anyone who induces, promotes, propagandizes or practices in scandalous form sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex commits the crime of sodomy and shall incur 1 to 3 years’ imprisonment.” – Article 204 This law potentially criminalizes not only gay men, lesbians and bisexual people in same-sex relationships, but is vague enough to permit the prosecution of individuals for activities such as campaigning for LGBT rights or anyone providing sexual health information or services. The Autonomous Youth Organization for Latin America (Ojala), together with Nicaraguan gay poet Hector Avellan, took an action last gay pride to protest against this law and to show solidarity with LGBT activists in Nicaragua. A poem of Hector was put on a wooden construction in the water, which miraculously did not sink (see foto’s). Additonally the 18 th of august the queer group of Ojala, Rebeldia Rosa, and Hector are organising an evening where Hector will read some of his poems (which will also be translated into Dutch) and explain some more on the situation of LGBT youth in Nicaragua. Also live music and Nicaraguan Rum Flor de Caςa! Viva la Rebeldia Rosa!
Datum: Vrijdag 18 augustus Tijd: 20:00 Prijs: 2,50 Plaats: Latijns-Amerika Centrum, Nieuwe Herengracht 29, Amsterdam Taal: Zowel in Spaans als Nederlands
*José Cuadra Chamorro
Ambassador Concurrente ante las Republicas de Grecia, Hungria y Chipre
Address : Via Brescia, 16 00198 Roma, Italia.
Phone : (00-3906) 841-4693 - (003906) 841-3471
Fax : (00-3906) 8530-4079
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