

Gay adoption
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Gay adoption refers to the adoption of children by a same-sex couple. Gay adoption is legal in Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, England and Wales and Belgium. Iceland, Norway, Germany and Denmark allow "stepchild-adoption" so that the partner in a civil union can adopt the natural (or sometimes even adopted) child of his partner. In the Republic of Ireland and some other countries, individual persons, whether heterosexual/homosexual, cohabiting/single may apply for adoption.
In France
, a same-sex adoption case is currently being reviewed by the Court of Cassation. In that instance a lesbian had given birth to children who were then adopted by her partner under a legal framework that allows to create legal adoptive parenthood without extinguishing the original legal parent-child relationship(s) ("adoption simple"). As this automatically gives exclusive custody to the adopter, however, a second court application was then made and granted, so that custody be shared by both the natural and the adoptive mother.
Within the U.S., California
, Massachussetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio,
Vermont , Washington state, Wisconsin, and Washington D.C. allow adoption by openly gay and lesbian couples.Florida is the only state that completely prohibits gay adoption. Mississipi, Oclahoma, Colorado and Utah all make same-sex adoption virtually impossible. Critics of anti-gay adoption policies also point out that in many of the states that have bans on gay adoption, gays are still able to act as foster parents.

In Canada
adoption is within provincial/territorial jurisdiction, and thus the law differs between each province and territory. Gay adoption is legal in British, Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territiries . In Alberta, gay men and lesbians can only legally adopt their partner's child. Gay adoption is illegal in New Brunswick, Rrince Edward Island and Nunavut. In the Yukon the law regarding adoption is ambiguous, and it is not known if gays and lesbians can legally adopt there. Openly gay NDP MP Libby Davies has campaigned for national uniformity when it comes to gay adoption.
In Australia, gay adoption is legal in the Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia
, step-child adoption in same-sex couples is possible in Tasmania.
Numerous studies conducted by the
American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, American Academy of Pediatrics and other groups have found there to be little if any difference between the effects of parenting conducted by same-sex couples and that of heterosexual couples. Several organizations have issued statements of support for the rights of same-sex couples to adopt, though there is still widespread resistance.
One prominent figure in America's gay adoption debate is actress and comedian Rossie O' Donnell
, who is an adoptive parent in a same-sex relationship. O'Donnell is remembered for her efforts in challenging Florida's gay adoption ban.

1 σχόλιο:

erva_cidreira είπε...

Τότε, ακριβώς λόγω των ίδιων αμφιβολιών, θα έπρεπε να απαγορεύονται οι μονογονεϊκές οικογένειες, οι οικογένειες από άτομα με σωματικές ή ψυχικές αναπηρίες αναπηρίες, κλπ., και βέβαια το διαζύγιο των ετερόφυλων γονέων.
Αλίμονο, όμως, αν ο νομοθέτης ή η εκτελεστική εξουσία πρέπει να ακολουθούν πάντοτε μια συντηρητική κοινωνία στις επιλογές της. Τα αποτελέσματα θα ήταν ανάλογα με την ανοχή της οπλοχρησίας ή της βεντέτας στην Κρήτη γιατί η κοινωνία δεν επιθυμεί την απαγόρευσή της. Ο νομοθέτης, με τις αποφάσεις του, έχει πάντοτε και παιδευτικό χαρακτήρα και, εν πάση περιπτώσει, τα ατομικά δικαιώματα δεν είναι διαπραγματεύσιμα, και μάλιστα ανάλογα με τα αποτελέσματα συνήθως αμφιβόλου κύρους ερευνών.
Αλλά αν τις θεωρείς απαραίτητες, να αναρτήσω από Δευτέρα κάμποσες.